Wednesday, 3 August 2016


There is something so fresh and clean about white clothes.  They look so crisp and chic until someone comes along with their mucky little handprints (I'm looking at you Meme!)

White never looks better than with a tan in my opinion.  So of course I pack it in abundance when I go away, even though it seems to highlight what limited tanning ability I actually have.  But you Y.O.L.O.: I was going to wear lots of white in Malta.

White to me also signifies new beginnings and fresh starts, which is why it was also perfect for this trip.

A year ago was when it all started, when my world was not how it appeared and my heart was broken.  Despite my best efforts I couldn't rebuild and prevent further damage and it all ended up crumbling around me.  One of the biggest things I held true totally disintegrated even though it was the last thing I wanted.

"New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings."
- Lao Tzu  
But this holiday has somehow enabled me to wipe the slate clean and laid some of the ghosts to rest.  I have let go of the questions I will probably never get answered and accepted that their answers are only as relevant as I let them be.

What is relevant are: the new memories I have made; the support and love I receive; the excitement and enjoyment of every day life; and finally just focussing on the present in all its glory.

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