Perspective is a funny thing. It is defined as "a particular attitude towards or a way of regarding something"* and as a consequence is totally changeable depending on time, person, place etc.
I always used to like a certainty which perspective is certainly not, which meant that I wanted my perspective to be affirmed by others to know I was right.
As I gain more of an insight I realise that things were not quite how they seemed and people were different and surprised me more than I ever thought possible.
With this realisation I no longer need the affirmation of being right and no longer feared being wrong. I didn't need anyone else to agree with my perspective as long I believed it to be true and had integrity in that moment, then that is all that mattered.
The consequence of this I am now freer than I have ever been and I find this freedom exhilarating.
I no longer waste as much time over analysing and worrying about what everyone else thinks: life is too short. I don't concern myself with what others are doing, as long as it does not affect me negatively.
Just these little things have made such a big difference in helping me to step outside my comfort zone and attempt things, no long paralysed by failure.
I am stronger, more confident and have higher self esteem than I have in a long time, all due to a little change in perspective.
Oh perspective how I love you.
Totally gorgeous!