Oh the irony a Mum wearing Mom jeans.
And yes I am quite smug with my little caption and am giving myself a big pat on the back. Well done Lottie! Well done! Maybe I will even give myself a slow clap.
Anyway back to the trousers in question, Mom jeans. To be honest I still am not sure what I make of them. They are comfy and quirky and I feel quite cool in them, all massive positives. But then there is the major question of "are they even flattering?"
The answer is I have no idea.
But there is something about them that I love unbelievably despite the possibility that they may do nothing for me and for me, and that that is good enough.

Jeans :: BDG (similar) // T-shirt :: BDG (similar) // Belt :: vintage // Trainsers :: Adidas Stan Smiths // Earrings :: Accessorize (similar)
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