What has been making me happy lately:
- my new brushed cotton bedding.
It makes me sound middle aged but I don't care: it is so soft.
- candles.
The scent, lighting them, blowing them out.
All so satisfying.
- my new gym top.
It is so soft and cosy on the inside it is ridiculous.
I just want to wear it all the time.
- Ava's first proper school play.
She was a camel and it was hilarious.
And I was unbelievably proud.
- my two new perfumes,
Dior Addict and Stella by Stella McCartney.
They just smell divine.
_ my Christmas Elf t-shirt.
It just makes me smile every time i see it.
-quality streets.
They just remind me of my childhood.
Favourite: the strawberry creams of course.
- the traditional who has the best lights competition.
I wonder what some people were thinking when they decided to decorate their house.
-Avocado on toast with chillies and tomatoes.
Dream lunch.
- Ava finishing school for Christmas.
No more having to be up, dressed, showered, made up for the day, before 7am.
Slower mornings are a god send, and I appreciate them so much more.
what has been making you smile recently?
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