watching: Cold Feet. This programme just gives me the warm fuzzes. It is British and that great British humour that I love and I might have been brought up around it. My Mum is a massive fan and might have cried when Rachel dies: oh yes she is a mega fan.
reading: Girl at War by Sara Nović. After watching a video By Jess I decided to join her "book club" and this was the first book. It is about the Bosnian war which is a period of history I am sad to say I know very little about until I started reading this book and researching it to help me understand. Really fascinating book and really easy read. A full review will be up when I finish it.
listening: to podcasts particularly Ctrl Alt Delete by Emma Gannon. The episodes are the perfect thing to put on while I am doing some mundane chores or just listen to in some down time. Emma interviews some really interesting people.
eating: gingerbread pumpkins, skulls and ghosts. The girls and I made biscuits and I had way too much fun icing them.
thinking: about how my little baby is turning two tomorrow! How is she so big? Also looking forward to celebrating exactly how I want to and making the day so special for her.
What have you been up to lately?
L xx
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